Saturday, July 12, 2014

"The Ropocalypse 2" Continues, With More Hacking!

Today is all about "The Ropacalypse 2".

Tons of games are getting hacked! All the bigwigs of the ROBLOX front page are showing innappropriate images for children to see, losing player points to exploiters, etc. Almost all of CloneTrooper1019's games are shutdown! If you want to play a murder game, Digitalscape is what you have to play.

No, that's not all! The Mad Murderer got hacked, it's a nightmare!

This is not the first time this took place. In January 2014, a group of hackers hacked Natural Disaster Survival.

But guess what? THEY HACKED IT TO!

BuildIntoGames is banned for 3 days... And tons of other popular games are hacked.

With reesemcblox and Christina gone, this thing should go offline for maintenance.

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